Here step by step I show you my creative process.

Usually I begin with the 'stuff'. Here is a creative kit provided by Two Much Fun at the barn, as I have been chosen as one of this months designers!

After I compile the stuff, I look through books and mags to find some inspiration for my layout. This one was easy I didn't even have to open the book.

I chose each of my words for the 9 blocks on the layout and I wanted this to be real. "i love therefore i... " as you can see I have used black stickers to make this word and inked the edges of the paper with black. There was so much pink and red I needed a contrasting colour.

This block was created with a sticker from Making Memories and I covered the whole square with the sticker and cropped it to fit the size I was looking for. I also inked the edges on this one with red.

This was created with these cute little tags (provided in the kit). Inked the edges of the paper with black and used a 7 Gypsies stamp in the b/g and stapled the Love tag to the paper. Edges of tag are inked in pink.

Again I inked the edges of this paper with pink and the tag with black. I also included a piece of ribbon in the b/g of the tag, again stapled to the paper.

Here I cut my paper flower to fit in the corner of the square and stuck one of the buttons (provided in the kit) directly to the flower. The edges of this one were inked in pink and black.

Here I sanded the edges of the paper to get the white look, and used the stickers to spell out the word desire. I loved these little stickers, they are so cute I want to use them on everything else I make until they are gone!

Instead of using a word in every block I decided to use a photo that symbolized love to me. It's a wedding photo of myself and my husband, one of the only kissing ones that looks natural. I cropped it down to size and then sanded the edges (I find if you ink photos they sometimes take too long to dry and I wanted to get this together and on the wall).

Pink and red were used to ink the edges of these two pieces. And to tie all of the tags together I again stapled this one to the block.

This "flirt" tab was part of another kit I had lying around and to get rid of the tabs (that connect it to the sheet it comes on) I sanded down all of the edges. So cute eh? I also used another piece of ribbon on this block.

Here is the front of the canvas I put a brad through the back with wire attached so it could be hung easily on the wall, I did this first because I knew I would be covering the front of the canvas and there was no fear of seeing it on the finished piece.

Here is the back of the canvas with the wire attached and you can see both brads measured so the canvas would hang evenly.

Here is the very bottom piece of paper on the canvas inked in black because of the contrast against the pink edge of canvas.

I used acrylic paints (red and white) as well as some white water colour to create the paint for the canvas, I wanted it to be soft so I used the water colour paint and lots of water to keep it thin.

Here is how much of the canvas I painted, I didn't need too much paint as I said I kept it pretty watery.

I used glue stick to adhere the background piece to the canvas (no word yet on how well it holds, will update if it doesn't work).

Regular photo tape to adhear the rest of the paper to paper, it is still my favorite adhesive.

The title is created using the cute little doodle bug letters/shapes included in the kit. I wasn't sure how I was going to like them but they seem to adhear really well, so far, so good!

I used a strip of the tickets in the kit to run along the bottom of the canvas, just for a little dimension, and I really loved the words on them, thought it would look groovy.

The final piece, I found a spot for it right away hanging in the bedroom, what better place for all the things I love!