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Week 16

So I missed a week. Not much has changed in two weeks anyhow.
I had another visit with the Dr this week and it was uneventful, which I think is what you want when carrying your first child.
The bad news: I still haven't heard the baby's heart beat. This is due to the fact that my Dr doesn't have the proper equipment for hearing the heartbeat so early. She does tell me you can hear it with a stethoscope at 20 weeks. So next time we go in I will get to hear it!

Hopefully by that time I will have been in for my first ultrasound which she is in the process of scheduling for me now. This excites me to no end. Seeing as we haven't heard the heartbeat, are we really sure there's a baby there? (Well actually yes because I can't lie on my stomach anymore for the fact that it is hard and uncomfortable, and to top that off if I roll over on to my tummy when I am sleeping, I wake up immediately because I need to pee.)
Some other exciting things we did this time, was she measured the size of my belly. It measures 13" now and my uterus is sitting directly under my belly button. I have also gained about 4lbs since my first visit which means there is some major growing going on.
I have signed us up for our first class and that is where they will sign us up for our "actual" pre-natal classes. I have also been "assigned/referred" to a baby Dr whom I will see in the near future and if all is well I will only have to go back to him when I get to 36 weeks.
I cannot believe how fast this is all happening and before I know it there will be an actual baby here and that will be it, for life as we know it. What an exciting journey.
Week 14

Baby is starting to show this week. I'm not completely happy with the way the photos are turning out, but B&W is always a good way to go when you don't like a photo.

I think we look a little more pregnant here because Stephen was taking the photos and I started to fool around a make faces, but it was cute so I went with it.
I still haven't felt anything or heard a heartbeat, I'm hoping perhaps the next Dr. visit which is in two more weeks. I'll keep you posted if I feel any rumblings!
Week 13
Canada Day 2009

We spent the afternoon out in Black Point somewhere.
We hiked out to a point off a little beach there, I can't
remember the name of the beach, but boy was it beautiful.

Here are some of our finds along the hike. I'm pretty sure
these places are making love, but we'll just leave them be.

The beach had to be shared with the seaguls, but we didn't mind.

Peek-a-boo... we're getting some practice in for childhood games.

Delicious! I have never tried a wild Strawberry, but boy was this yummy.
I only wished there were more.

The path was a little rocky, I was happy I wore my sneakers.

That's my man, I love him!
And one last, image, because I can't leave photoshop alone.

Here is the photo I took, and with a few PW actions, I turned it into this.

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